Sunday, November 30, 2008

another tooth

océane's another lower tooth fell this afternoon:-)

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

unexpected surprise

santa claus at galeries lafayette

océane's unexpected chance with santa claus. she's one very happy girl!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

just blogging

this is during the 5 o'clock autumn afternoon. autumn and yet since yesterday, the temperature is 1°C. i wonder, what will be the temperature when it will be winter...

i was thinking about the red cup at starbucks instead, i got this red aluminium bottle shaped of coke.

Friday, November 21, 2008


yesterday, océane came home from school with a big surprise.... her bedroom is now with christmas decoration. she's been bugging me to put up christmas decorations for a longest time but i just don't feel like putting up any decorations at all. hahahaha anyway, wednesday night the christmas lights at champs elysées were switched on and océane found another reason to bug me for decorations. finally, i gave in and put up decorations in her bedroom.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

le beaujolais nouveau

le beaujolais nouveau is here! we'll have a bottle tonight for our dinner.

we had this georges duboeuf beaujolais nouveau. "vin fruité, tendre. d'une belle robe rouge vif cerise, il a des arômes de fruits rouges. en bouche un vin bien équilibré."


Thursday, November 13, 2008


i've finally, worked on my december daily album, which took me few hours this morning... decided to make it real simple, so it will be easy to do and finish:-)

front cover

back cover

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

red is back...

yes, red is back at starbucks:-)

today, i tried mocha cerise griotte and it's yummy:-) my daughter said it smells so good. hehehe thanks kuya eras!

while i was enjoying my starbucks christmas pleasure, océane wishes for these two items (the child's gingerbread mug & christmas teddybear girl)....