Tuesday, October 23, 2007

cheerios and other yum-yum

talking about cereals

i was crazy with kellog's frosted flakes when i was young. océane loves cheerios anytime of the day or night (while watching tv).

everytime i see a bowl of cheeries infront of océane it reminds me of froot loops. it is something that i haven't found here in paris.

in my early years here in paris, i couldn't find oreo cookies. my sister and brothers sent me regular supply of oreo cookies. one of our american friends came to visit us... she discovered that océane and i are crazy with oreo cookies. she went back to states and sent us a big diaper box filled with oreo cookies. it was hilariously great!! we had supply of oreo cookies for several months.

i remember my niece, alyssa, when she was about 2 or 3 years old she only ate the oreo cookie after my sister scrape the cream off. when océane was 2 years old, she only liked to eat the cream. then i have all the cookies (without cream) to enjoy:-) ahhh pleasure.... well, i better post this now before océane see these photos. otherwise, she will tell me that her tummy is empty. lol

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