Monday, December 24, 2007

desperas ng pasko

oh yes, today is "desperas ng pasko". we went for a walk... bought a new boots for me and dvd to watch tonight and until tomorrow not unless we'll do the marathon:-) then just a look at disney store to satisfy océane's eyes. she said that we only go to stores for parents and we should try to go to store for children:-)

anyway, we went back home with a very famished girl. the first time she tried the royale cheese or better known as quarter-pounder with cheese. she's so happy and told me that now she prefer that than the happey meal with cheeseburger. hahahaha bernard suggested that next time.. it will be one royale cheese and happy meal with nuggets for océane. when i thought that she was full from royale cheese, i was wrong... she asked for creme dessert. a real good appetite for a 6 year old.

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