Friday, August 31, 2007
on Monday
Océane and I went to Ecole Paul Baudry to check if there is any announcement before the school opening. Posted on infront of the school, there is a new school director and that first day of classes will be on Monday instead of Tuesday (French calendar indicate that classes will start on 4 September).
So on Monday, we're going to have an elementary student:-)
Happy weekend!
Thursday, August 30, 2007
morning has broken
thursday morning (around 7:30)
remember the song "morning has broken"? well, gotta practice getting up early coz next tuesday is going to be the first day of school. océane woke up early too!
their lift is still sleeping. you know, there was a time when i enjoyed watching those 2 lifts especially when there were some people stucked inside the lift.... a lot of things to see from our windows:-)
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
beautiful day
yesterday was a real beauty. sun, cool wind & still less people. it has been a long day outside home. we left at home around 10am and came back past 3pm. hehehehe
océane & i took the metro and went to the park -- jardin des tuileries (our current fave park). walking... running... chasing after the pigeons:-) watching ducks... just being under the summer sun... looking at the fountain...
around lunch time, we just crossed the street and went to mc do at rue de rivoli. luckily, their happy meal have the hello kitty toy. we've been looking for that hello kitty toy but the mc do around our area has no more hello kitty toys. anyway, after our lunch we checked an art shop at the louvre museum. then we walk back to jardin des tuileries.
we went to the japanese bookstore. i wanted to get her the pencil cap that i knew available at sanrio shops in manila. yes, it's something that i haven't found at the french shops but i knew i can find it at the japanese bookstore. voila!
we kept walking... checking some shops: bouchara & galeries lafayette. a short stop at starbucks to say hello to océane's friend, chai.
my legs were very tired but we are both happy for our beautiful monday. hope yours was a beautiful day too!
Monday, August 27, 2007
i heart sony vaio
intel core 2 duo ulv à 1.06 ghz, 11.1", windows vista business, 2 go de ram, 100 go de dd, webcam intégré, sécurité personelle intégré, 1.19 kg. ahhhhhhhhhh
or i may go for this one....
vgn-cr11sp rose. intel core 2 duo, 1.8 ghz/ 800mhz, 14.1", 2 go de ram, 120 go de dd, webcam intégré, etc.
i let my fingers touched these two babies... oh yes, the first one is totally awesome (and the price too! lol). the second one, well.... according to our daughter "pink is our favorite colour!" way to go, my dear! hahahaha
meantime, i'm off to bed and will dream about them:-)
bonne nuit!
Sunday, August 26, 2007
musée du louvre
océane is familiar with louvre museum only becoz we frequent at carrousel du louvre. however, she's never been inside the museum until today.
now that she's six years old perhaps, she'll be able to understand/appreciate "arts" even for a little. i tried to select only few areas to bring her.
we entered through Porte des Lions.
"mama, it's cool here!"
"mama, look! it's like a trophy."
of course, i wanted her to see leonardo da vinci's mona lisa.
leonardo da vinci painted this small portrait of a florentine noblewoman, known as la gioconda, in about 1504
some sculptures and océane's innocent comments. seeing arts from a child's perspective is different. she even tried to copy some sculptures. océane chose the following sculptures:
the dying slave. michelangelo sculpted this work between 1513 and 1520 as part of a group of statues for the base of the tomb of pope julius II in rome.
"mama, they are not happy."
psyche and cupid (antonio canova)
"mama, they are naked."
"mama, she's sleeping."
océane was happy to found these flowers and butterfly.
the glass pyramid was designed by 1 m pei was opened in 1989. currently, it is the popular new main entrance.
it has been a good day and adventure. océane remembers mona lisa and she even chose to buy a ballpen and postcard with mona lisa. it's really good to expose a child with her own culture; to make her see the different arts.
a short visit in a museum was worth a try. océane wasn't tired. she didn't hate the experience and she was even talking about her trip at musée du louvre. there are other museums here in paris for us to visit. one at a time....
Saturday, August 25, 2007
cannelés de bordeaux
- Faire chauffer le lait, le sucre vanillé, le rhum, le sucre en poudre et 100 g de beurre;
- mettre hors du feu, la farine en remuant énergiquement;
- tiédir la pâte et ajouter les oeufs un par un;
- battre en soulevant l'appareil jusqu'à obtenir une pâte lisse.
- Beurrer des petits moules à cannelés;
- les remplir de pâte aux 2/3, et les mettre dans le four préchauffé thermostat 6 durant 40 min.
- Les cannelés doivent être dégustés très frais, de préférence le jour même.
vin conseillé: Sainte-Croix de Mont (ou thé, ou café)
Bon appétit and Happy Weekend!
rue poncelet
fruits & veggies
fresh morilles - my very fave mushroom
bernard & océane went to a german shop to buy some german sausages. right outside the german shop, there is a small stall where fresh brezel is available. hmmm really good apéritif:-)
océane likes to go inside the german shop with her papa. perhaps becoz she always get a small treat from the shop keeper. this morning she got this:
the last stop was going to the seafood shop where we bought fish. sole is bernard's favorite fish and usually the only fresh fish we eat at home. this is the shop where we frequent for our seafood.
a good morning adventure at the open market with all great foods we brought back home.
Friday, August 24, 2007
the photo was taken this summer in the south of france. thanks faby for the photo!
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
my daughter is crazy with chouquettes (shoo-kett). i think, she can eat 50 pieces of this tiny snacks in one whole day.
what in the world is chouquettes? they are pastry puffs, sprinkled with coarse sugar. we buy them by weight in french bakeries.
here's the recipe:
pour: 40 à 50 pièces
durée: 45 minutes
Pâte à choux:
1/4 litre d'eau
125 g de farine
60 g de beurre
1 pincée de sel
50 g de sucre
4 oeufs
100 g de sucre en grains
1 jaune d'oeuf (dorure)
- Préparer tous les ingrédients.
- Mettre l'eau, le beurre, le sucre et le sel dans une casserole sur le feu.
- Porter à ébullition. Retirer du feu et verser la farine en une seule fois.
- Mélanger à la spatule en bois en prenant soin de ne pas laisser de grumeau.
- On obtient une pâte appelée "panade". Dessècher la panade sur le feu en remuant avec une spatule en bois, jusqu'à ce qu'elle se détache des parois de la casserole et qu'elle forme une boule.
- Laisser refroidir 5 minutes. Incorporer les oeufs 1 à 1 à la spatule en bois. Incorporer les autres oeufs 1 à 1. La pâte à choux est prête à l'emploi.
- Dresser les choux en quinconce, sur plaque à pâtisserie légèrement graissée.
- Dorer la surface des choux au jaune d'oeuf délayé dans une cuillère à soupe d'eau froide.
- Couvrir la surface des choux de sucre en grains.
- Cuire à four chaud à 180°C
- pendant une vingtaine de minutes
- Lorsque les chouquettes sont gonflées et dorées, les retirer du four et les laisser refroidir.
Bon appétit!